"The old ones, the new ones, the false ones, the true ones; the ones that challenge, that frighten, that amuse, that offend, that surprise and reprise; story has amazing potency. And your personal story has the medicine that you need; but the healing, the healing comes with the telling. . So go ahead; tell me."
Kim Crutcher

Reverend Kim Crutcher is an Interfaith Minister and licensed mental health counselor (MAPC, LCPC). Using evidence based therapies, a trauma-informed approach and culturally sensitive frameworks Kim offers supportive psychotherapy for individuals and groups. For over twenty years she’s shared insight, prayer ritual, song, and the creative process as an artist and as a folk healer for those seeking change on multiple levels.
Kim credits her most important learning to the years (20+) spent as a classroom teacher for both children and adults. Now, she brings that experience and passion into unique training experiences for organizations and teams who are investing in transformation. Bringing her craft as an artist into the work she offers support for growth in the areas of conflict resolution, the creative process, improved communication skills, leadership development, and diversity and inclusion initiatives. As both counselor and coach, Kim also works with organizations in crisis and transition to address grief and trauma, and to manage critical incidents both emotionally and strategically.
Kim creates and teaches classes, directs and writes plays, prays with and listens to people. She blesses and baptizes babies, builds and facilitates coming of age rituals, writes ceremonies and officiates weddings, and, prepares and plans home-going/funerary rites. Ultimately though Kim is a fabulist, a teller of tales; sharing what’s for real with a big dose of humor.

The Goodnight Epistle Blog
The Good Night Epistle is a participatory storytelling project offered as a means of map-making for those
headed to the new world. All dreamers, myth-makers, healers, teachers, activists, artists, and
visionaries are invited and welcomed. This blog is a space to tell truth, to remember, to conjure, to
prepare, to learn, to resists, to ask and to listen. In a time when many are frightened of the future;
when many cannot sleep because of nightmares all around, the Good Night Epistle offers story as
For any wounded heartbreakers or heartbroken wanderers who worry that they just can’t go on our
blog proffers a way forward. Inspired by the spirit of Harriet Tubman, all with a mind for Freedom can
journey toward that new and mysterious place. But we all go and get there Together. As the story
unfolds the way is revealed. Together, story and myth are the only North Star.
Our tale begins with a series of letters between the Goddess of the Night Sky and a 21 st century woman
referred to as Mercy. Because Mercy called out to know her own name; she was answered by the One
she called upon. Any of you crying for Mercy on any level: physical, emotional, energetic are invited to
come and join in the telling.
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Book Consultation1 hr
Book Consultation1 hr
Book Consultation